In some ecommerce applications it may be desirable to allow customers to be logged in using multiple browsers/devices. However that would be unusual for administrative users, or users of more sensitive data. Even if concurrent sessions are allowed. consider what should occur in other sessions when a user changes their password, or changes their delivery address, or logs out, or times out, or authentication failure occurs.
NB: This card relates to concurrent sessions created by authenticating more than once in different browsers/devices. See SM 6 for using the same session identifier in concurrent sessions.
Ryan can use a single account in parallel since concurrent sessions are allowed
Owasp ASVS (4.0): 3.3.3 ,3.3.4
Owasp SCP: 68
Owasp Appsensor:
Safecode: 28
ASVS V3.3 - Session Logout and Timeout Requirements
Password Guessing/Brute Force Attacks
Session Hijacking (Man-in-the-Middle)
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